At Marlborough, we prioritise keeping all children safe and happy.
While most children enjoy a happy childhood, we recognise for some this is not the case. We acknowledge how at times families can be challenged and therefore in need of support.
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the social, physical and emotional well-being of all our pupils. We expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment.
Safeguarding means ensuring the safety and welfare of all children and, in addition to child protection, covers aspects of school life such as attendance, behaviour, first aid, health and safety, the curriculum and equality, to name but a few.
Child protection means protecting children from physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or neglect. It also means helping children to grow up into confident, healthy and happy adults.
As a school, we have a duty of care to ensure that arrangements are in place for safeguarding. We will ensure that all staff are provided with appropriate training in regard to Safeguarding and Child Protection issues and will follow the Department of Education guidance.
Sometimes we need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare.
If you have any concerns, relating to safeguarding, about a child at our school who you feel needs additional help and support, please do come and speak to one of the members of staff listed below:
Designated Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection
Mrs Natalie McKeever (Acting Headteacher)
Deputy safeguarding and Child Protection Leads
Mrs Debbie Currie (Safeguarding & SEND Administrator)
Miss Amy Heap (Early Years & KS1)
Mrs Natalie Young (Lower KS2)
Miss Sandy Thethi (Upper KS2)
Mrs Helen Stringer (Pastoral Support)
Mrs Elaine Quinn (Health & Safety)
Link Governors for Safeguarding and Child Protection
Ms Sarah Pearce (Chair of Governors)
If you think that a child or young person is at risk from abuse or neglect; contact London Borough of Hounslow (LBH) services immediately. If you feel urgent action is needed contact the police on 999. If you suspect ill treatment of a child or young person you can contact Children’s Services on 020 8583 6600 option 2.
It is important to act fast if you suspect abuse as some signs of abuse can disappear quickly. If you are uncertain, you might find it helpful to discuss your worries with someone you know who works with children and families. This could be a teacher, school nurse, health visitor or social worker.
LBH Children’s Service office is open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm, Friday 9am to 4.45pm
Children’s Services
Hounslow Civic Centre
Green Zone
Lampton Road,
Telephone 020 8583 6600 option 1. Out of hours (after 5pm weekdays or weekends) call 020 8583 2222 and ask to speak to the duty social worker.