Launching Greenhouse School Website App
Monday 17th April 2023
We are very excited to inform you that we will be launching a new whole school communication app on Monday 17th April 2023.
This app will replace School Jotter.
This new Greenhouse School App allows the school to communicate with all our staff and parents/carers; sends school notifications, access to the school calendar, term times dates and weekly newsletters.
All parents will be able to report pupil absences using the Greenhouse School App, by simply selecting the Pupil Absence Report form from the drop-down menu.
Please download this app onto your phones by Monday 17th April 2023, ready for the summer term to ensure that you do not miss any notifications from the school.
This Greenhouse Schools App is free.
Please scan the QR code below:
Enter Marlborough Primary School in the search bar, or tap ’Show schools near you’. Please select Marlborough school on London Road and say yes when prompted.
The school code: 3978